NEW GUIDE REVEALS: Proven Holistic Methods

Stress & Anxiety

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From The Desk of Emily Spurling

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Dear Friend,

If you are burdened with worries about what might go wrong and feel like you can never truly relax and enjoy your life… this guidebook might be the most important thing you will ever purchase. 

BUT First, A Warning

This is much more than just words on a page. You will be guided step-by-step on how to use the exact holistic-methods that I used myself, to transform from an anxious, shy person who was constantly scared, into a calm, confident and happy leader.

If these methods worked for me, they can help you too.

They have already helped thousands of people restore calm and peace into their lives.

Let me show you how.

What to Expect Inside..

  • At just 78 pages it is easy to read.
  • Jam packed with everything you need to know. no fluff, no filler, just real life stories and scientifically proven holistic strategies. 
  • Journaling prompts & wellbeing activities to complete throughout.

You'll Get MORE out of this than you think...

Improving your relationships - Feel Fulfilled -  Enhance physical, mental & emotional Wellbeing
“I am 80 years old and you are the first person to actually help me. You have truly become my long distance guide,teacher and mentor!” 

Michelle, USA

“I have let go of something I have tried to let go of my whole adult life. A heartfelt thank you.”

Cher, Australia 

“It changed my life forever, the lifestyle, the eating habits, the way I look at everything and the dramatic weight loss”

Lyn, Australia 

“The best thing I've done for my health and wellbeing for many years. It will benefit my family too!”

Emma, Australia 

“I have experienced things that will be with me along my journey of life. Thank you for an enlightening experience”

 Karyn, Australia

“Best thing I have ever done! Wonderful teachings, I am feeling renewed with a positive, happy new lease on my life! Thank you, awesome!”

Rebecca, Australia

So as you can see, how to overcome stress and anxiety and finding calm in your life is just the beginning.

Here’s a fraction of what you’ll be getting

  • How to rewire neural pathways, and become more positive with neuroplasticity
  • Scientifically proven techniques to quickly and effectively reduce stress and anxiety
  • BioHacks to Boost your mood
  • ​How to quickly and effectively process emotions
  • ​How to shift your mindset around exercise and understand how your health can improve without changing a thing
  • ​Vital Nutrition tips for peace & the Anti-Anxiety food guide revealed
  • ​Essential Breathwork to overcome anxiety in under 2 mins 
  • ​Learn to find your tribe and feel happier, more calm and content (Did you know positive relationships contribute to a longer and healthier life?)
  • ​Strategies to boost memory, sense of self & perspective taking 
  • ​The ultimate toolbox for handling stressful situations and big emotions with more calm and grace
  • ​Learn the proven strategy to become a Lucid Dreamer to unlock subconscious clues and solve problems in your waking life. I also reveal the technique to overcome recurring nightmares.
  • ​Mindfulness techniques and journaling prompts to uncover the common emotional and physical triggers that can affect how we sleep, think and feel
  • ​Learn the proven formula of habit creation and reformation to enhance all areas of your life
  • ​Uncover my top 3 ancient rituals from the 5000 year old science of Ayurveda to help you thrive
  • ​The #1 yoga pose (asana) that lowers blood pressure, activates the parasympathetic nervous system, and improves digestion
  • ​How to liberate yourself from mental chatter and free yourself from intrusive thoughts
  • ​And so much more...

BONUS: Health Documentary

Learn how you can increase your health-span using practices from the oldest healing science in the world Ayurveda.

Get a free copy of my 30 minute Documentary ‘The Forgotten Cure’ with every guide purchase VALUED AT $29.99 The film follows me and a group of students to a healing retreat to India and chronicles their transformations, while teaching you how to incorporate these simple practices at home.

Specifically Designed For People Will Do What it Takes to Feel Happier, Healthier & Calmer 

Over a decade ago when I was battling anxiety of my own, I began to study various ways to overcome it naturally.

My learning uncovered ancient rituals and modern techniques, all proven by science.

I took my discoveries and turned it into a model I’ve been using with my clients and the results are incredible.

When you start using it, here’s what will happen.

First, you’ll feel a sense of relief by letting go of what is no longer serving you.

When you find yourself in a stressful or anxiety provoking situation, you’ll find yourself seamlessly navigating the emotions and using your new abilities to bring yourself into a state of calm.

The next thing that will happen is:

And you’ll ENJOY the journey.

When you follow the steps outlined in the guidebook and begin moving past the feelings of stress and anxiety, you will notice a positive ripple effect in all areas of your life. Relationships will strengthen and deepen, your physical health will improve and you’ll feel more fulfilled.

Here’s What To Do Next 

The cost of this guidebook is AUD $7, and you’ll get it right away as a download.

As soon as you place your order you will get a link to download the book.
You can access it anywhere, immediately, whenever you want without having to wait for the mailman.

Oh and in case you’re wondering…

Yes, This Will Work For You Too!

It works equally as well for anyone who is willing to follow the steps outlined in this guidebook.

That’s because what you will be learning is proven by science.

Right about now you might be thinking “this sounds too good to be true” but rest assured…

There Is No Catch

I’ve decided to give you this entire book, for AUD $7 so you can see for yourself how quickly it will transform your life and put an end to the stress and anxiety you have been feeling.

My hope is that you’ll love it, get amazing results, and maybe join one of my coaching courses or live retreats in the future.

But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:

Time is Very Limited

This guidebook is part of a test I’m running for my business.

And because the price is so low, I’m taking a loss on the book.

So I’m not sure how long it will be available at this price.

And lastly, even though I’m immediately sending you a copy of the book...

YES. Of course there’s a full money-back guarantee.

The Mother Of All Guarantees

That’s correct. If you’re unhappy for any reason, you don’t even have to send anything back. Just email me and I’ll refund you $7 with no questions asked.

How’s that for fair?

This Is Truly A Limited Offer So Claim Your Copy Now While They’re Still Available

Just in case you’re like me and skipped to the end of the letter, here’s the deal:

I’m offering you a book that outlines exactly what you need to do to overcome stress and anxiety.

The Book is AUD$7

I appreciate you taking the time to read this letter and hope to hear from you soon.

Emily Spurling

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